Boost Your Immune System Now!

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  • The bactericidal effects of silver have been known since the mid-1800s
  • Safe for Infants, Children, and Animals. No Side Effects! 100% Natural & Safe
  • Silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine!
  • Antibiotic kills perhaps half a dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills more than 650 pathogens and known human diseases!
  • Excellent for treating wounds: cuts, burns, scrapes, insect bites, inflammation and all types of viral, bacterial and fungi infections
  • There really is no doubt about the safety and effectiveness of silver as a natural germicide
  • It’s so effective that NASA uses silver to purify water and keep astronauts healthy. Silver solutions have been used in the U.S. space program since the Apollo era.
  • As a totally natural remedy, Active Silver is superior even to prescription antibiotics, like penicillin, ampicillin, etc.
  • No known side effects from oral or I.V. administration of properly over hundreds years of usage

About Active Silver

Active Silver is a liquid mineral nutritional supplement that has powerful anti-microbial qualities.

100 years of medicine and we still haven’t found anything that’s better than this.

For hundreds of years, silver’s incredible power to kill germs and active-silver-bottle-246pxstop disease has been known throughout the world. It’s been used since long before anyone knew what a germ was!

In fact, NASA won’t even think about sending an astronaut into space without it. It’s all natural, heals infections, relieves allergies and boosts your immune system yet most doctors ignore it for some weird reason.

Medical journal reports and documented studies spanning 100 years indicate no known side effects from oral or I.V. administration of properly manufactured silver solutions in animal or human testing.

Discover the natural treatment with MORE History, Lab testing, and testimonials than any other medical advance in the past 100 years.

Without a shadow of a doubt, many experts hail this amazing silver solution as nothing short of a miracle.


Delilah Tran

I have been using Active Silver for over 5 years and cannot say enough about how excellent it is. I was an RN for many years and saw firsthand how resistant microbes are multiplying, both in the hospital and out. I’ve seen how my own family continues to have increasing sensitivities to antibiotics and environmental triggers and we have switched to “silver” for everything we can possibly use it for.

Delilah Tran

Michael T.

My sister has been using this Active Silver for a while now, and finally convinced me to try it out. I was really skeptical that this product would do anything for me. I have had this persistent cough for almost a year now. It doesn’t come with a cold or anything. I always just feel this need to cough, and it has become such an annoyance! Everyone I came across moved away from me because they think I have a cold. I’m not sure if it is caused by allergies or whatever. All I know is that I was ready to get rid of this cough, and I was ready to try anything! So, I finally asked my sister for some of this stuff, and was pleasantly surprised it was tasteless, which makes it so easy to take. I took 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, and after the 4th day, the cough that I have had for nearly a year FINALLY went away! Whatever this stuff is, it works great!!!

Michael T.

Kate B.

I’ve heard really good things about Active Silver and wanted to give it a try. This is a great brand and it’s very effective. A few days ago, I went out to dinner with my husband and must have eaten some bad food. As soon as I got home, my stomach was in a lot of pain, and I started developing a fever. I took ½ ounce of this silver before bedtime and woke up two more times to take two more ½ ounces, and by morning, I was feeling 100% better. I read that silver was good for food poisoning. I didn’t realize it would work this great!

Kate B.

Sarah C.

Our family has used Active Silver for many years to treat sore throats, sinus infections, ear infections, cuts, burns, etc. We rarely go to the doctor for these type of illnesses anymore as Active Silver is an effective treatment for us. I am happy to have found Active Silver as it is a great brand, reasonably priced and very effective.

Sarah C.


We Sponsor

We love animals. Having the opportunity to help heal and treat man’s best friend is a gift and a pleasure. ANA Natural’s donates Active Silver to support and treat the 100+ abandoned and mistreated dogs in the Algarve.
